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5 January 1881 Messrs. Gunn, Knapp & Kelley have bought a million and a half of pine lumber which they will saw up into lumber this winter. Jas. Chase of Greenville is stopping by the Clement House. He is buying pine and hardwood logs. Calhoun & Martin are in town looking for a site for a billiard hall. Nathan Denny is buikding a wagon shop. He is a good worman and a good citizen, such as we al like to have locate here. Fred Miller is tilling his ice house to keep his bees cool next summer. Jennie Bachelor of Millbrook was in town last Monday. |
4 January 1882 Enos Ensign's little boy is quite sick. Gunn & Kelley have started up their milkl again. Wm. Kidd has hung out his shingle as notary public. Mrs. G. E. Hatfield started this morning for an extended visit with friends in the state of New York. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Warrant of Allegan county are visiting friends here. Mrs. W. is a daughter of our worthy townsman, G. E. Hatfield. John Sharp, the townshio drain commissioner, has laid out another ditch one mile long; but the settlers are getting about all the ditch they can pay for. T. C. Gardners new store at the Center, just west of the rairoad track, opens up in gioiod shape, with Harry Gardner and Tom Holcomb in charge. They are pushing fellows in trade, and will give all a royal reception who call upon them. |
Wednesday Feb. 10, 1937 Simon and Bob Harris of Lansing spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stickler of Blanchard were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Schlegel, Monday. Mrs. Dave Gingrien is spending a few days with Mrs. Joe Miller of St. Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Heckert of Toledo, O., are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stadtfeld. Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Fowler and son Thor have gone to Florida to spend a few weeks. They went by way of Washington, D.C., to avoid the flood area. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Torberson are staying at the Fowler home to care for Mr. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Gingrich and Mr. and Mrs. David Gingrich were in Edmore Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V.R. Crittenden were in Howell Wednesday to get the body of Charles Richardson of Broomfield, who died in the sanitarium there. Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Simon and son Charles spent Sunday evening with their parents, MR. and Mrs. Joe Simon, Sr., of St. Michaels. Viril Hewlett and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howlett spent Thursday at the College Farm at Lansing. Mrs. R. J. Packard spent Sunday in Lansing with her sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Riley of Pontiac are spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Roelofson. Joe May went to Big Rapids Monday where he will spend a few days with his niece, Mrs. Al Hoffman. He will receive medical treatment while there. The people of Remus feel a deep loss and sorrow in the death of our friend and neighbor, Wallace J. Butler, of Millbrook. Miss Bernice Denslow spent Sunday at the Munn home at Blanchard, the occasion being Mrs. Munn's birthday. Wesley Colgrove of Midland spent the weekend with his Mother, Mrs. C. Colgrove. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Eyer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheelock and children, Jack and Jane, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Metzgar at Gaylord. They report Mrs. Metzgar recovering her recent illness. Mrs. James Henderson and baby daughter Wadea of Sand Lake are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hewlett. Dallas Diehm and Philip Packard went to Detroit Sunday to attend the hockey games between Detroit and Boston. Miss Jessie Hadlock and her aunt, Mrs. Riker, spent Sunday at Kent City with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simon, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Simon, and George Stadtfeld spent Thursday in Lansing, enjoying Farmer's Week. |
Wednesday June 30, 1937 Mr. and Mrs. Perry Esch and sons and Miss Ilene Fate attended the dedication of the airport in Grand Rapids. Sim and Robert Harris. Don Balcom and Decota Lenon of Detroit visited the home folks over the weekend. Mrs. Jesse Denslow and her guests, Mrs. Swartz and Mrs. Cllause. visited her brother at Vermontville, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Packard and daughter of Flint spent a few days the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Packard. Little Barbara Thren returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mansfield both ill at there home here. Bob Harris of Detroit, who had his car badly damaged Saturday evening when it was struck while parked. It was so badly adamaged that it was impossible to drive it back to Detroit. Mrs. Rachael Walch was bitten by a dog Thursday. A doctor dressed the wound and no further truble is anticipated. Mrs. Louise Wernette went to Edmore hospital Wednesday evening. Her daughter Marie returned with her after her recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Harris and Sim were in Mt. Plesant Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Esch spent Sunday fishing and enjoying a picnic at Evans Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks and Mr. and Mrs. Al Huffman of Big Rapids spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Stadtfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dean and children and Miss Igerna Heckert of Toledo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lockwood over the weekend. Mrs. Dean and Igerna Heckert remained for a couple of weeks. Rev. Hulme gave a special sermon Sunday in honor of the Eastern Stars. The topic of his talk was organization. Many attended the shower Sunday evening at the Phillip Wernette home in honor of of and Mrs. Leon Wernette. Rev. Long of Big Rapids will substitute for Rev. Hulme Sunday. Mr. Hulme and family are enjoying a two week vacation at their cottage at Schoolcraft. Mrs. Poe Swisher is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Will Walker of Flint. Mr. and Mrs. Burnam Kimball and sons spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Joe Ressler, at Stanwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Phillips went to Hastings Sunday to get the Misses Ilda Phillips, Mary Grace Wernette and Alice Johnson, who have camped there the past week. |
Wednesday July 7, 1937 Mrs. Lena Bauman and son Lawrence of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller. Mrs. Ann Murphy and children of Detroit were her to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Boyer of Carson City spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. E.L. Fowler. Mrs. Boyer remained for a week's visit with her mother. Dr. Carl Anderson, the school dentist was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. V.R. Crittenden. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenks of Iron Mountain spent the past week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richie of Battle Creek spen the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Sniff. Fawn Crittenden is spending the week in Detroit with relatives. Donald Diehm, Betty Simmons and Doreen Batchelder left Tuesday for a week which will be spent at Lansing. The young people are enjoying their trip because of their 4-H club work. |
The following articles are from the Big Rapids Pioneer. The date was cut from the paper. They are included as sometimes there is some information of value to the families. They appeared between 1935 and 1937. Dr. and Mrs. C.J. Power entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Burch and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wager Friday evening at their home. Appropriate Halloween decorations were in evidence throughout the house. A pleasing lunch was served at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Welling had as guests at their home Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lowden and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brisboy of Lansing, Mrs. F.O. Main of Chicago and Mrs. John Whitesell of Millbrook. They are aunts and uncles of Mrs. Welling and were called her by the death of the grandmother, Mrs. Evangeline Brisboy, who was buried at Blanchard last week. A number of the church of God folks went to Belding Friday night to hear a lecture given by Miss Esther Boyer of Anderson College. Mrs. C.P. Bowness and grandson, Sherrell McMillan, of Greenville visited over the weekend at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Hulme. Those from out of town who were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. S.D. Colegrove were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colegrove of Plainwell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatfield of Battle Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McCallum of Evart. Noina and David Flowers of Weidman visited at the home of their Aunt, Mrs. Casper Steinman, last Saturday. All divisions of the M.E. Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Clinton Sanford Wednesday afternoon. Luncheon was served with the following ladies acting as hostesses: Mrs. Sanford, Mrs. Earl Carr, Mrs. John Wager, Mrs. Jake Diehm and Mrs. Ervin Gingrich. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fate and family of Ionia were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fate. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Riley entertained their grandmother Mrs. Cora Decker and Rev. Cecil Sneed of Blanchard Tuesday evening at supper. George Ariss spent the weekend in Flint at the home of his sister, Mrs. Leland Esch. Phillip Packard has been quite ill for the past week. Mrs. Jesse Martin spent several days last week visiting relatives in Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Mansfield and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Metzcalf were in Detroit Saturday and Sunday at the home of the later's neice, Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Metzcalf remained for a week's visit. Marie Wernette and Mrs. Gregory Bauman were in Big Rapids Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fate of Mt. Pleasant were Sunday visitors at the Chas. Fate home. Emmett Gast was in Grand Rapids Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Paul Midlun is quite ill at this writing. Her sister Miss Ella Johnson, of Belding is caring for her. Mrs. Will Burnham is visiting at the home of of her niece , Mrs. Casper Steinman. Mr. and Mrs. James Eldridge of Lansing visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. Bauman, and family Sunday. Mrs. Gaylord Wernette will entertain the third division of St. Michael's Aid Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weiss and family went to Lansing Sunday to take their daughter Lucille back to her work. Chas. Hyder is in Lakeview hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bauman and Mrs. Carl Bidstrup were in Grand Rapids Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snider and Ernest Snideer of Grand Rapids spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steinman of Edmore were Sunday visitors at the Casper Steinman home. |
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