JOHN B. MERRILL, Morley, was born Feb. 15, 1833, in the State of New York. His parents, Waite and Minerva (Whiting) Merrill, were natives of New York. Mr. Merrill remained in his native state until he was 28 years old, and in the autumn of 1863, came to Newaygo County, and soon after to Mecosta County, and bought 80 acres of land in Deerfield. This he sold in a short ime, and has since been engaged in real estate brockerage to a considerable extent. He owns about 50 acres of land, with some degree of improvements thereon. In company with J. W. Arnett, he has charge of the feed store, lumber interets, etc., of J. M. Carr of Grand Rapids. He has been Justice of the Peace ten years, County Superintendent four years, and been the incumbent of nearly all the local offices of his township. He had been a member of the Msonic Order for 17 years, and in the scoiety of Odd Fellows has held all the posts of the lower order, and passed through the Camp. In politics he is a Republican.
Mr. Merrill was married in the State of New York, April 18, 1860, to Eliza Ann, daughter of Amos A. L. and Ann Tuttle, natives of Vermont, where she was born Nov. 17, 1833. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill have had three children, two of whom are living: Mahala, born Oct. 29, 1866, and Alma, July 31, 1869. Everett, was born Jan. 9, 1863, and died May 17, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill are earnest and prominent members of the M. E. Church. Mr. M. has been a Class-leader for some time, and is considered a consistent and valuable member of society.