Gilbert Mero, farmer, sec. 28, Deerfield Tp., is a native of Lower Canada, and was born in 1838. His parents still reside in Canada. Mr. Mero went to Upper Canada at 19 years of age, where he was married in the fall of 1857, to Huldah, daughter of Peter and Mina (Kyle) Newkirk. They went to Ohio and remained four years, returned to Canada for a short time and moved to Deerfield. Mr. Mero bought 40 acres of uncultivated land and proceeded to do pioneer duty -- build a log house and clear the forest. He has 32 acres under fair cultivation. The family religion in Catholic.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Mero now living were born as follows: Josephine, March 12, 1866; Richard, Oct. 28, 1870; Louisa, July 8, 1873; Anna, July 4 18--; Gertrude, July 8, 1877; Henrietta, May 24, 1881. Jennie and Margaret died in infancy.