G.M.D. Nettles, farmer, resident on sec. 15, Mecosta Tp., was born in Tompkins Co., N.Y., May 27, 1845. His parents Henry and Rachel (Teeter) Knettles, were natives of N.Y., and were respectively of Dutch and English extraction. When Mr. Nettles became of age he came to this county and settled in Mecosta Tp., locating in the immediate vicinity of Big Muskegon River, soon afterwards purchasing 56 acres of land, to which he added 70 acres more a few years later. This was all in a wild condition, but on the first place there was a small house, which he inhabited 15 years. The energy and preserving efforts of Mr. Knettles and his family have reclaimed the unbroken forest, and where the dense timber shut out the rest of the world from view, fair, fertile fields have succeeded and the marks of progressive civilization are every where visible on the place. In addition to other improvements is a fine young orchard containing 120 trees. The farm is well supplied with buildings and a new and beautiful residence has just been completed, at an expenditure of $2,000. Mr. K. and his family may justly be rated among the leading inhabitants of the county.
Mr. Knettles was married in Tompkins Co., N.Y., July 4, 1856, to Susan, daughter of Joseph and Katie (Protts) Everhart, born May 21, 1846, in Seneca Co., N.Y. The two children born of this marriage are still living: Cora B., born April 6, 1868, Libby M., April 18, 1870. Mr. Knettles is a Democrat in political faith, and inclines to the Universalist doctrinal views. Mrs. Knettes is theoretically a Presbyterain.