MICHAEL S. COLLINS, dealer in choice wines, liquors and cigars, at Big Rapids, was born in Hastings County, Pr. of Ont., March 16, 1841. He is a son of Richard and Bridget Collins, and at the age of 14 began life for himself as a lumberman, and spent five or six years in that employment. He then came to Grand Rapids, Mich., and was engaged until the autumn of 1865, in cutting ties for the G. R. & I. R. R., and in lumbering. He came to Big Rapids in the fall of the year named, where he carried on the lumbering business until 1876, and in that year rented the Montreal House, which he managed three years. He then purchased the building he now occupies, and the lot where it stands, from J. H. Foster. It is a brick structure, and the third of its class in the town. He carries a stock valued at $3,000, and is transacting a thriving business. He owns a vacant lot on State Street, a house and two lots on the corner of Bridge and Grant Streets, and 10 acres of land in the Third Ward. Mr. Collins is a member of the Mutual Benefit Association (Catholic Order).
He was married at Grand Rapids, July 8, 1868, to Mary, daughter of James and Eliza Rice, a native of Canada.