HENRY D. BROWN, Postmaster at Millbrook, was born in New York, Aug. 23, 1829. He is a son of Elijah and Abigail (Strong) Brown, the former a native of Massachusetts, the latter of New York. They were married in the State of New York and there passed their entire lives, the father dying at the age of 82 years; the mother died in 1832. Mr. Brown was nearly 25 years of age when he took a final leave of his childhood's home. A brief visit to Wisconsin in earlier years had given him a favorable impression of that State, and on leaving home he made his way thither and remained three years, being a part of the time in the employ of his brother as clerk. In 1857 he returned to New York, and during the next two years carried on the grocery trade in his own interests. He disposed of his business, and in the fall of 1859 came to Michigan and located in Branch County, buying a farm and there operating two years. He again sold out and removed to St. Joseph County, where he rented a farm and worked a few months. The continuous calls for men to aid in crushing the Southern Rebellion awakened his patriotism, and he enlisted in the 17th Michigan Vol. Inf., and served until the close of the war, receiving an honorable discharge at Detroit. Among the most memorable acrions in which he participated were the battles at Jackson, Miss., Knoxville, Tenn., battle of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House. At the last named his regiment was nearly cut to pieces, the survivors being few. After this he was on detached service until the close of the war. After his discharge in 1865 he came to Mecosta County and settled in Wheatland Tp., where he bought a farm and operated until 1878. He sold his place in that year and came to the village of Millbrook to live. In the fall of 1879 he received his appointment as Postmaster from President Hayes, and has since occupied the position. While a resident of Wheatland he held the office of Township Clerk several times, besides other minor offices. In politics he is a Republican.
Mr. Brown was married i New York, to Mary E., daughter of Chauncey and Lorenna Brown. Their only child died in infancy. The mother died Jan. 3, 1853. Mr. Brown was married in 1865 to Cassie, only daughter of John D. and Margaret (Hopkins) Clemment, and they have two children, Charlie D. and Lottie C.